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After our preschool children leave for the day, we set out our spacious rooms with equipment specifically for the school-aged children. Our afterschool operates from 1.10-6pm daily. We have three groups in our Afterschool and we separate the children by age. The Junior infants are in the second cabin at the rear and Senior infants and 1st class are together in one room while 2nd-6th class are in the other room.

The children have a great range of age-appropriate toys and games to play with in each room and we regularly buy new equipment that the children want. We have activities such as den building, lego, board games, loom bands, art competitions, fusball, elastics, dolls, jewellery making, reading, messy play, giant chess, sports.


The children have a lot of time to play freely alongside some teacher-led activities such as baking or arts & crafts. Written homework is supervised by our staff daily and completed in a quiet area of the room and the children spend an hour outside every day weather permitting, in our garden area. We provide a hot meal daily, cooked in-house, and also a healthy afternoon snack.

Southside Sports come into us weekly and do a fun exercise programme with the children on a Tuesday & Thursday.

We have two fee options, 10 months alongside the primary school year, and 12 months including 10 weeks of full day camps. There is also an option to book camps on an adhoc basis.

Click a box below to find out more about our Afterschool Service
Click here to view our Afterschools Policies & Procedures


The Parish Centre,

St. Matthias' Church,
Church Road,
Co. Dublin.


Phone: 0877881167

© 2021 Ballybrack Killiney Montessori 

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